May 19, 2016

I am "IT" Batman

I put on my cape and my mask
Take the elevator to the basement
Get into my "batmobile" and start for office
And not a damn soul is watching

I zip my way through the traffic
With stealth mode navigation and precision steering
And that Nolan Dark Knight theme song blaring
And not a damn soul is watching

I get to my office desk
And concoct code out of air so thin
Create magic with my cape still on
And not a damn soul is watching

Several hours just fly by
Waiting for magic, but nothing's happening
The tangled code, just as buggy
And not a damn soul is watching

As day turns to night
I code with all my might
Seeing another day of my life wasted
And not a damn soul is watching

My awesome ninja driving skills
Eventually surrender to the horrific traffic
Wishing for a "batpod" for an easy escape
And not a damn soul is watching

I sneak back home after the dark
Knowing Alfred won't bother waiting
And count the "batsignals" as I go to sleep
And not a damn soul is watching

In this world of "IT", there are several like me
Believing they are here for a purpose
Saving the world, while merely surviving it
Why isn't any damn soul watching

As I hang my cape for the day
Knowing it will start all over again
Praying for the strength to conquer it all
And hope someday someone somewhere would be watching