So Facebook shows me a list one day
Of people I may know
Turns out these strangers that I see
Are friends of a friend of a friend I know
Is this six degree of separation
My way to let my friend circle grow
But how do I click that button yet
To befriend some stranger I barely know
Or maybe I have known them for long
With their updates flooding my wall
A friend of a friend, likes or comments
And I wonder why I have to read it all
In this flurry of ludicrous updates
I desperately look for people I know
And all I see them do
Is like or comment about someone I don't know
And what's with the videos please
Displayed on my update feed
Am I being fed with bits and pieces
Of info I don't care or need
Long gone are the conversations
I used to have with friends
Walks down the memory lane
With stories to cherish in the end
People online are just busy now
With likes, shares and what not
Mindlessly tapping on those links
Believing that's what friendship is all about
Well, think really hard now
When was the last time you truly connected
Had a really long conversation
With memories resurrected
Social media as we know it
Is just messing with your head
You are linked online, apparently in touch
But the essence of friendship is probably dead
So folks don't mind if
I don't add you in the end
Maybe not adding anyone at all
Is better than having a pseudo friend