Jul 24, 2015


A Second is a fleeing memory,
Before you realize, its already history.

A Minute is a lost opportunity,
A regret may last till eternity.

An Hour may be an anxious recount of moments,
A haunting experience of uneasy events.

A Day is just a page in the book called Life,
Pick out a good one and read it with delight.

A Month is the time to give your best,
No harm in pursuing if you pass that test.

A Year is a speck in the time you will stay,
Don't fret a bad one, it wont matter anyway.

A Decade is to look back and rejoice,
Pat yourself for your journey of choice.

A Century is the previous generations' legacy ,
Make sure to leave a better one with no intricacy.

Time is ever so constantly changing,
Its futile to keep up with life's waxing and waning.

Let bygones be an oblivion to you,
Because time wont stop and neither should you.

Make peace with it and keep doing your best,
Let history take care of the rest.