Ever wondered, if you found a machine, a gadget that gave you the power to go back into the past or leap into the future. And that such ability also gave you the power to make few changes to you life. If such a thing did exist, and you were its only possesor, would you be tempted to make such a journey. Even more important, would you make that journey?
Sure there'd be some mistakes you would want to correct. Undo somethings that may have hurt someone dear to you. Maybe buy some time when you most ran out of it. Like, be there for something so special that she dumped you because you weren't there on time! Or maybe set reminder to get out of bed sooner and rush to office so that you don't default on an important presentation that cost you a dear promotion. Things like these and many more, which you may regret later on.
And wouldnt it be great fun to gaze into the future and see whats the new day is going to be like. Did a small investment made today grow into a fortune? Did a good deed done today win you a friend for life? Did your gesture today break the ice between you and this girl you have been waiting to take on a date? Answer all uncertainties and make better decisions should the outcome not be the one you anticipated. Finally you would be taking control of your life, taking it wherever you want it to go. Be a master of your destiny. So do you now have an answer for the question : Would you still make that journey?
I know I would love to, but I wouldn't. It's mistakes and experiences like these that make me the person I am today. Maybe being late on those moments has taught me to be punctual and respect others time . Make my attitude towards life more disciplined. Mistakes are a mirror of self and very much vital to nurture the future.
And should I gaze into the future and see how my life would be few years down the line, be it for better or worse, I would still miss on the the excitement of getting there. What thrill would life be, if I knew the destination or the outcome of that journey! It is because of these certain uncertainties that makes life spicy as it is. I don't want to know what future holds for me but I do hope things turn out my way.
So I think I will give this time machine a pass. And take the life's journey at my pace. Relish things that I have today, let the past bygones be and eagerly wait for an exciting tomorow.